Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Light - March 4, 2011

Daily Light from the Lighthouse

"As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a spring;
the rain also covers it with pools."
Psalm 84:6

You know positive and encouraging expressions such as, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." These kinds of sayings are meant to encourage us to make the best out of difficult situations. The passage above is such an encouraging word. This psalm speaks of making a pilgrimage to the tabernacle of God where His presence dwelt. There is a craving and yearning to be with God and His people and to wholly worship in this place.
The journey was not easy to the tabernacle was not easy for all, however. Those who lived in far away places had to come through dry and barren deserts thus signified by the Valley of Baca. It was therefore a dangerous trip, because there was the possibility of dying of thirst between destinations. So often our experiences in the presence of God seem to be so rare although we are promised His presence continually. There are days in which we live on the mountain top of blessing with God. We seem that if we turn too suddenly we will bump into Him. Those days are joyful and cherished and if not careful we can take them for granted. Because, there are also days where it seems that God is far away and only a trip through the desert that we presently find ourselves in will lead us to God. We desire to spend time in unbroken communion with God.
What do we do in these days where it seems so dry? When the children of Israel would make their pilgrimage through the dry deserts, they would dig out large holes in the ground. There was time and preparation to dig these holes and pitch them with some type of substance that would hold water, because when the autumn rains came they would fill these pools. Therefore, as they made their next journey across the desert, they would find these places to draw water and nourishment from.
We must also learn to follow this pattern in our lives. Every day of our lives will not be a mountain top experience, but we must recognize that God is faithful even in the valleys. God sends His rain in the autumn of our lives to fill our pools of blessing in the dry and barren days. We must constantly be preparing our hearts to receive the rain of God's love. Even on those days that God seems so far away, we can count our blessings and recognize that even then God is with us. God has been pouring out His blessings on your life when you were not even aware of it. You can now sit down by the pool of His goodness in the desert and drink from His provision.
May you find a pool of water in the desert today!

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