Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Truth Unashamed

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes..."  Romans 1:16

In this world of political correctness the message of Jesus Christ is becoming more and more controversial.  Why?  In a conversation with a Hindu priest several years ago, he told me that he believed Christians were narrow-minded.  His reasoning was that he did not have any problem accepting our Jesus as one of his gods.  However, Christians told him that there was only one God and only way to have everlasting life.  This was too exclusive in his way of thinking.  Why not be more diverse?  Why not be more accepting of the opinions of others?  After all, aren't we all God's children?
Let me defend the gospel of Christ in two ways.  First, the gospel of Christ is not a message of hate that excludes people.  I believe the message of Jesus Christ is inclusive in its invitation but exclusive in its application.  That is another way of saying that the offer is open to whosoever will, but only those who turn to Jesus Christ can have true life.  Some have the false idea that Jesus came to this world to condemn those who did not believe on Him to hell.  That is a misunderstanding of why Jesus came.  He said in John 3:17 that He did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.  Our sin is what condemns us.  A judge passes a sentence on a criminal, but it is the crime that condemned the person.  Our Judge, Jesus Christ, offered Himself as the payment of our penalty if we would accept Him and turn our lives over to Him.  Secondly, the gospel of Christ has a life changing power that is unparalleled by any other system of belief.  This message has turned lives upside down for over 2,000 years, and it will do the same for eternity.  It has been a message that has stood the test of time.  It has withstood the persecution of its believers.  It has outlasted the fads of belief that come and go.  As a believer, don't hesitate to boldly proclaim the truth of God.  Man may try to change it, pollute it, and insult it, but its power is eternal.

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