Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daily Light - June 23, 2010

Daily Light from the Lighthouse
"Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face, prostrate before Daniel,
and commanded that they should present an offering and incense to him.
The king answered Daniel, and said, "Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret."
Daniel 2:46-47

God's order of things is much different than ours. Think about God's economy compared to our economy. Our economy says get everything that you can so that you will have more. God's economy says give everything that you can so that you will have all you need. God's kingdom says that the least in the kingdom is the greatest. In our kingdoms we fight and war to be at the top. I love this passage because it proves that when God steps in He causes kings to bow before servants.
Nebuchadnezzar is ready to execute every one of his wise men and astrologers, because they could not reveal to him his dream. I imagine that he fit the description of pompous and arrogant. He was used to getting things his way when he wanted it. However, this time everything was different. No one could do what he wanted. The situation was brought to Daniel's attention, and he and his friends began to pray. God revealed to them the dream so that the lives of all of these men would be spared. In Daniel's prayer of praise for God revealing the dream, he said, "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever...He removes kings and raises up kings..." Although Daniel had a respect for the position of King Nebuchadnezzar, his loyalty, love, and devotion belonged to God alone. With boldness Daniel interpreted the dream, and when the king received the interpretation he fell down at Daniel's feet. This of course was highly unusual. How amazing it was for all in the court to see the king prostrate at the feet of a foreign servant! The Scriptures tell us that God takes what the world considers to be foolish to confound the wise. Nebuchadnezzar not only bowed at Daniel's feet, but he also recognized the source of Daniel's power. Nebuchadnezzar's official title was the king of kings. However, we hear him now proclaim that Daniel's God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings.
There are two powerful lessons found in this story. First, God can and will use any of us that are surrendered to His purpose for His glory. It is in Him alone that we place all of our trust, and we humble ourselves before Him that He might use us to accomplish His plan. Daniel never dreamed the day that he was taken into captivity that one day the king would bow before him. I also believe that this was never his goal. His goal was to be a witness of the majesty and truth of the one true God in a pagan land. With God's power this plan was accomplished. Second, God can bring any king to his knees. Proverbs tells us that the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord. We must fervently pray for our leaders that God would accomplish His will through them as He chooses. Pray that God would do whatever it takes to humble their hearts so that they might have a Nebuchadnezzar experience. How awesome it would be to see the leaders of our nation fall on their faces before a holy God and proclaim Him to be the Lord of lords and the King of kings! With God all things are possible.
May you live humbly before a holy God today!

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