"With God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
Jesus is watching as a young man is walking away from Him. The young man seems somewhat frustrated, confused, and disappointed all at the same time. He came to Jesus thinking this would be the day that every thing in his life would be complete. He had no worries for money, for business, or for the pleasures of this world. However, he would lay awake at night thinking about how much none of that would matter the day he died. News had come to him that there was a Teacher that was offering eternal life to those who would receive it. This was the answer. Once he gained this there would be nothing to stop him. Life would be perfect. Unfortunately, every thing didn't go as planned. This Teacher, Jesus, had told him that he had to keep the commandments. There was no problem there, or so he thought. Because of his financial status, he had been trained in the finest schools and in all points of the law. He had learned how to deceive even himself into believing that he had kept all of the commandments perfectly. Then Jesus came back to him with an impossible proposal. Only if he went and sold every thing that he had and gave the money to the poor could he truly follow Christ. Obviously this teacher didn't understand that you just couldn't do things that way. He also didn't understand how important all of this wealth was. Jesus' request was impossible.
As Jesus sees the young man walking away, His heart is broken as well. The Gospel of Mark tells us that Jesus loved him, but Jesus knows that this love is not reciprocated. This young man loves his wealth more than he loves the Messiah that is standing right in front of him. So, Jesus explains to His disciples that it is hard for the rich to enter into the kingdom of God. They are surprised by this statement, but Jesus has just seen evidence of this truth. He has watched someone that thought he didn't need God because he had wealth. With men this is impossible. Why? Because in man's flesh, he cannot begin to imagine doing any thing outside of the boundary of his own desires. Coming to Jesus means stepping out in complete faith and trusting Him only.
While it may be impossible with men, God's power can overcome even the most stubborn of hearts. As we yield to the Holy Spirit, He can accomplish the impossible in our lives. The answer is that we must yield. We must give God what rightfully belongs to Him. Jesus was not trying to get this man's wealth and his possessions. He was telling him that He needed his heart. Jesus longs to do the impossible in all of our lives, but that will only happen if we give every thing to Him.
May you see God do the impossible in your life today!
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