Monday, November 22, 2010

Daily Light - November 22, 2010

Daily Light from the Lighthouse
"Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."
1 Corinthians 4:2
What does God expect from you? Many people have some ideas about God's expectations for our lives that are not Biblical and surely not practical. As a pastor I encounter people that feel like they cannot serve God or live for God because they are not worthy to do so. They are correct in the fact that in our natural flesh we are not worthy, but when we have come to Christ and trusted Him as Savior, He makes us worthy. We are living this Christian life based on not how valuable we are in ourselves, but solely on how valuable what we have in Christ is.
The Bible calls believers "stewards". A steward is one who takes that which he has been given by a higher authority and does with it what the higher authority would have him do. As a believer, our higher authority is without any doubt the Lord, Jesus Christ. We have been given an inheritance by the Father through His Son; everything that we own and possess is given as a trust from the hand of the Almighty. It is now imperative that we use those things as God would have them to be used. Stop for a moment and consider literally every thing in your life. Your health, family, possessions, ministry, and all that you can think of belong to the Lord. He has called you to be a steward of those things.
It is important that you realize that God never called any one to be miraculous or amazing. It was never stated any where in Scripture that a steward needed to be extraordinary. There is no prerequisite of the Christian that he be incredibly, gifted, talented, or brilliant. God's only requirement for a steward of His goodness is that he be faithful. Any one can be faithful, but that is the one thing that Jesus asked if He would find when He returns.
For the next several days I would like to challenge you to consider these areas for your life and ask yourself if you are truly being a God-honoring steward in them. I would like to encourage you today to stop during this first day of the Thanksgiving week, and praise God for all with which He has blessed you. It might even be a good idea this week to make a list of everything that God has bestowed upon your life. At the end of the week you will probably have a greater understanding of the words of the hymn writer that stated, "Count your blessings; name them one by one. It will surprise you what the Lord has done."
May you be found faithful today!

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