"The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water;
He turns it wherever He wishes."
Proverbs 21:1
My wife loves politics. Almost every election cycle she loves to sit in front of the television and watch as the results pour in. Last night was no exception. She sat and eagerly watched as candidates won and lost. She could tell you who was favored, what races were expected be close, and how each race effected the balance of power in the country. She is most definitely well informed. As an American citizen with the freedom to vote that is an awesome privilege and responsibility. I commend her and others for being so eagerly involved in the process. I too enjoy being informed and knowing that my vote can make a difference in the preserving of our freedom and the molding of this country as it goes forward.
As I watched the coverage during this election cycle and listened to the public comments of people, there is one thing that made me take a step back and reevaluate our way of thinking. There are many in the church of Jesus Christ that seem to think that if a certain political party gains power then all of our problems will be solved. I believe we need to back up and take a deep breath before we start thinking in such a way. Politically I would call myself a thinking conservative. I agree with most of the conservative principles espoused by many of the politicians on that side of the aisle. I must say, however, that I have learned that my trust cannot and must not be in a man. There is only one person that I trust with my future and that is Jesus Christ. He is the only one that has ever kept His Word and can be counted on as completely trustworthy. His agenda is absolutely holy and righteous and that is a platform that I would like to stand on.
The Bible is full of illustrations where God raised men up and brought men down. He can use any individual to accomplish His purpose, because His power is not limited by the foolishness or wisdom of man. How marvelous it is to know that God can at any time turn the heart of any king to the direction that He would have them go. The best response that we can have to our current government is what we should be during for every government leader at all times. The church needs to fall on its face before a holy God and ask for His will to be done. Paul tells us to pray for all that are in authority that we might be able to lead peaceable lives. That peace only comes from the Almighty Prince of Peace!
May Christ be your King today!
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