Friday, September 24, 2010

Daily Light - September 24, 2010

Daily Light from the Lighthouse

"And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly."
Romans 16:20

Deceiver. Manipulator. Liar. Destroyer. There are many other words that could be used to describe Satan. He came to Eve in the Garden with such a soft and cunning voice. He did not want her to think at first that he was opposed to God. He just wanted to make her curious. When he had her attention, he accused God of being what he is: a liar. His MO has not changed since that time. He still tries to convince man that God is not the way, the truth and the life. His sole purpose is to destroy the lives of men, women, boys and girls. Unfortunately, he has won many battles for the souls of some, but it is an irrefutable fact that he will not win the war.
As much as Satan hates mankind, God loves them. God loves them so much that even in the Garden He told Satan that He was going to do what needed to be done to bring mankind back to Himself. In the movie The Passion of the Christ, the opening scene is Jesus praying in the Garden. There is a portrayal of Satan enjoying the agony that Jesus is suffering as He thinks of the cross. The tears and blood are flowing down the face of the actor portraying Jesus. Behind him a serpent is making its way toward him. Suddenly the character portraying Jesus looks up boldly and his foot comes down on the head of the serpent. This is a perfect picture of what was promised to Satan in the Garden of Eden. When Jesus came to this earth 2,000 years ago and died for sin on the cross of Calvary, Satan became a defeated foe. This liar has been crushed by the Truth. This one who brings death was defeated by the Life. "O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?"
The verse above is an awesome picture in the Word. The God of peace will crush Satan. Our God brings peace in so many ways. Normally when we think of peace, we think of the absence of violence. However, in this case God violently defeats the enemy of all mankind. God is justified in His violent force, because He is God and knows best. He is also justified in His violent force, because His holiness cannot tolerate sin. This enemy has waged war against the very nature of God since Satan tried to take the position of the Most High. In eternity future there will be no enemy to contend with, because Satan will be destroyed completely and wholly. This could only be accomplished by our mighty God who is sufficient to save!
May you live in victory over the enemy today!

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