Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily Light - June 2, 2011

Daily Light from the Lighthouse

"See that you do not refuse Him who speaks."
Hebrews 12:25

There are so many voices speaking into our lives on a regular basis, some directly and others indirectly. If we were to try and listen to them all, it would become quite wearisome and confusing. We know without a doubt that we need guidance, but who should we listen to in the different moments of life? It seems that some voices carry a message of discouragement and defeat. They tell us that we are doomed to fail and that to even try to succeed in a walk with Christ is futile. Other voices entice us with flattering words that we want to hear, but the key ingredient of honesty is missing in their speech. Thankfully, there are also those who guide and direct with integrity and encouragement so that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives for the sake of our Lord. How do we discern the truth with all of these voices calling our names?
There are three passages of Scripture that give us clear advice and one that gives us an illustration to help guide us. In the book of Ecclesiastes King Solomon says, "God is in Heaven, and you on earth; therefore LET YOUR WORDS BE FEW." When we consider God and all of His divinity, we recognize that the most important thing that we can do is listen for His voice. James wrote in his epistle to the church, "My beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, SLOW TO SPEAK, slow to wrath." We are so inclined to speaking that we often cannot hear the voice of God. This is surely why God Himself implored us through the psalmist, "BE STILL, and know that I am God." It is imperative that we listen on purpose and not simply try to catch a bit of God's voice in passing.
God's prophet Elijah was in desperate need to hear the voice of God. We are told that he stood waiting for the Lord and during that time he experienced strong winds, an earthquake, and a raging fire, but God was in none of those things. Once all of those things passed, Elijah heard a still small voice. Immediately he knew it was the Lord and responded accordingly. God speaks to the heart of His children and His sheep know His voice, but only if they are listening for it. If we allow all of the voices of discouragement, flattery, and emptiness to fill our minds and hearts, we will miss out on knowing what God is trying to say. Study the Word and meditate upon it. Ask God to reveal to your heart what He would have for you.
May you clearly hear God's voice today!

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