Friday, June 24, 2011

Daily Light - June 24, 2011

Daily Light from the Lighthouse

"They immediately left their nets and followed Him."
Matthew 4:20

The sound of the waves slapping against the side of the boat. The smell of the seaspray hanging in the air. For many these are sounds and smells that conjure up the joy of a relaxing day of fishing out on the water. Perhaps there is the anticipation of awaiting that big catch or maybe not caring if you catch any thing as long as you get to spend the day soaking in the sun.
It is much different for the disciples though. When Jesus called them to Himself, they were not on vacation or on a pleasure cruise. Fishing was their livelihood. It had been the way that they and their ancestors had lived for generations. He was not asking them to give up a day or two of their lives; Jesus was calling them to give up every thing they knew for the rest of their lives. To follow Jesus meant that they would have to give up every thing that came natural to them, to walk away from all that was familiar. It was only by faith that they would be able to put bread on the tables of their families. This offer from Jesus to follow Him brought up some very difficult questions that needed to be answered.
That is why the answer of the disciples is so surprising. Without hesitation they left all that they knew behind and followed Jesus. There was no sit down discussion on what type of salary or benefit package Jesus was offering. No one tried to reason it all out rationally before they stepped over the side of the boat. Each one simply took a step of faith in following the Messiah toward His kingdom.
There are many times in our lives when the call of Jesus seems to be difficult. Worldly reason and rationale can not make sense of such a request. It is in these moments that we must follow Jesus completely by faith with the knowledge that He will provide and take care of those who answer the call. There is nothing that we are doing at the moment of the call that is more important than what Jesus is calling us to do. It seems that without our knowledge He has been preparing us for this moment. He did not make this call at a time that was not perfect in His will or in our lives. It is not ours to understand what He has planned for the future; it is simply ours to obediently throw our legs over the side of the boat and follow Him. His will may lead you into places and circumstances that are very unfamiliar, but in those places there will always be a familiar voice calling you to move forward.
May you leave your nets today!

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