Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daily Light - July 21, 2010

Daily Light from the Lighthouse

"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing."
Psalm 30:11

In my study of the book of Daniel, I read that after he received a vision from the Lord that he wept and mourned for three days. Can you imagine what it was like to weep for three days, because you knew that God's judgment was going to be strong and fierce? I began to think of all of the other prophets that experience such things: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, and especially Jeremiah. These men were burdened because of the sins of God's people and they also knew that God was going to judge the sins of His people. So now I am wondering out loud, when is the last time that any of us wept over the sins of God's people today? We all know that it exists and that it is too common, but are we heart broken over it?
In my opinion, the church needs its tears back. We have forgotten what it means to weep because of sin in the camp. Somehow we think and hope that it will just go away. Or, maybe God will excuse it this time. God cannot excuse it, because He is holy. Fortunately for us He is also compassionate and merciful, but we must understand that there is and will be a judgment for sin. Can I challenge you to look around today and see the reality of the situation? First, ask God to reveal to you if there is any open or secret sin in your personal life. If there is, fall on your knees with tears in your eyes and get it right with God. Secondly, take an inventory of your family. Confess and remove the things that are not bringing honor to God in your home. Finally, pray for repentance and revival among God's people. The church desperately needs a baptism of grace and forgiveness in order to see God's power manifest as it should be.
You might ask, when does the dancing take place as in our above passage? Notice that it follows the mourning. There will be no dancing apart from the season of mourning over our sin. Solomon told us in Ecclesiastes there is a time to weep and a time to laugh. The psalmist said that he that goes out weeping will return rejoicing. Let us get a genuine broken heart so that we might experience genuine joy. The prophet Jeremiah never had the chance to laugh and rejoice for much on this earth, but I would contend with you that he is rejoicing now and has all of eternity to do so.
May you have a broken heart for God today!

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